
Quiz on PGT & HGT

Quiz on PGT and HGT

  1. How many obstacles are there in PGT and HGT
    1. 4 and 1
    2. 4 and 2
    3. 5 and 1
    4. 5 and 2
  2. Arrange the Formula in the correct Sequence
    1. Where to put the Plank/Balli
    2. We choose plank or Balli
    3. How to stop the Plank and Balli from lifting from behind
  3. Draw the Ideal Point of the Fulcrum Point   
  4. Why the Group is divided into half in HGT
    1. To assess those Candidate who have the potential but have not been able to participate till now
    2. It is just a Formality.
    3. To assess those candidates who do not have sufficient potential but can perform in a smaller group.
  5. Can the load be used as helping material in PGT, and can it touch the ground? Yes/No
  6. PGT is a leaderless task
    1. In PGT, assessment is based on the functional level of the Candidate.
    2. In PGT, assessment is based on the ideas of the Candidate.
    3. In PGT, assessment is based on how the Group likes the Candidate.
    4. In the PGT, Physical fitness is the most important factor.
  7. During a PGT, the Group that cannot complete even three out of four obstacles gets washed out. True/False
    1. Is there any penalty in the PGT? Yes/No
  8. Is bridging allowed in the PGT? Yes/No
    1. Is the AFSB PGT different from the SSB PGT? Yes/No
  9. Explain in short
    1. Group Rule
    2. Colour Rule
    3. The Rule of Infinity
    4. Distance Rule
    5. Rule of Rigidity
  10.  What is the time given in PGT to finish all four obstacles?
  11. The Language to be used During the PGT is
    1. English
    2. Hindi
    3. Combination of Both
    4. English. However, if you get stuck, you may use Hindi.

