
The earth is not for humans only

The earth is not for humans only

The earth is home to an incredible diversity of living organisms and humans make up just 0.01% of earth’s life. However, the human race’s thirst to use, modify and transform natural ecosystems seems endless. For instance, when we transform a plain to grow cereal fields, we are significantly modifying that local ecosystem. Sometimes, we even end up completely changing it from its original foundations. The result of transformation to ecosystems are climate change, ineffective waste decomposition, blocking pollination (causing loss to fauna), and air & water pollution etc.

All of us can help the environment by regulating consumption of water, Food (including cattle and seafood), Pharmaceuticals, biochemicals, and industrial products, and Energy (sunlight, hydropower, biomass) etc. so as to ensure sustainability of our ecosystem.

To try and restore the health of ecosystems and their balance, our consumption and extraction processes need to become more efficient. It is crucial that Governments through regulation ensure that the companies adhere to corporate social responsibilities and develop processes that foster sustainability. Nations have also joined hands through agreements like The Kyoto Protocol, The Paris Climate agreement, The Gothenburg Protocol and proper implementation of these will be beneficial in protecting the coexistence aspect.

‘The earth does not belong to humans; humans belong to the earth’.

