
SSB Interview Question by Raj Pratap Singh: Does NCC help in developing Officer Like Qualities (OLQ’s) or if a student joins NCC, does his chances of recommendation increase during SSB?

Answer by Cdr Rathore: The NCC cadet get to participate in many activities which keeps cadets fit and disciplined. They also get a book which contains lot of information on our Armed Forces (service subject). In addition, the brighter (fast learners & confident) cadets get to command platoon and larger groups. These methods develop OLQ’s in NCC cadets who learn theory, participate in activities (weapon firing, sports, parade, cultural program etc.) and command groups.

Similarly, students who play team games (football, basketball etc.) or become anchor in various events also develop OLQ’s. Hence, by only joining NCC without taking initiative to excel as a cadet, no OLQ’s are developed. It has been observed in the SSB that most NCC cadets are unaware of the weapons they are using, they do not know about our Armed Forces, they do not prepare for qualifying for attachments to IMA OTA or IAF academies etc. Thus, by only joining NCC, the chances of recommendation in the SSB do not improve.
