
SSB Interview Question by Rishik Dobleker: How can a candidate improve his/her effective intelligence?

Answer by Cdr Rathore: Effective Intelligence (EI) is the intelligence utilised in coping with practical situations of varying difficulty. It is different from basic intelligence which is measured by using intelligence tests (Verbal & Non-verbal intelligence tests). Hence, under EI the assessor is looking for intelligence in the candidate to solve practical situations and resourcefulness.

Generally, students with better EI are bright, sharp, penetrating, innovative and inventive. It will take up to six months for a perceptible change in EI.

Practical intelligence can be improved by learning from your experiences, and especially from your mistakes, and from those of others.

Try computer coding, sketching (notice important angles and shapes, shading), literally building things (making small crafts or wooden projects. Figuring out how to use your resources efficiently), and even playing video games (World of Warcraft) to boost practical intelligence.

Write a letter (use pen & paper). You can also write an outline or even a poem.

Read more than just books. Read newspapers, magazines, and anything you can get your hands on.

Go for hiking. Surviving through the journey and reaching the checkpoints gives your brain both the tastes of empowerment and relaxation. It channelizes the blood circulation and makes you thoughtful and creative.
