
Question by Aniket Sanjay Nikam: How should a candidate answer questions on political aspects? What if he does not like the Govt.?

Answer by Cdr Rathore: Indian Armed Forces are completely apolitical and committed to democratic ideals laid down by the constitution.

The Government of India is elected by the people. Hence, whether it is a coalition Govt or single party Govt. ruling India, the Defence Minister & the Cabinet advises the Prime minister on course of action to be taken in external threat or action to be taken in case of internal disturbance. Similarly, any Chief Minister can request the Central Govt for assistance of Armed Forces (Army, Navy & Air Force) in case of floods, Earthquake, or any other calamity. The Cabinet meets the Defence Chief/Chiefs as the per the requirement. Aim is accorded to the Armed Forces in consultations with the Defence Chiefs. The Armed Forces then use their might to achieve the objective given to them. Thus, any order by the Defence Minister is considered the will of the people of India.

If the people of India have chosen a leadership, it is our leadership as an Indian. Soldiers lay their life for their country (Indians). Lastly, if the Chief Minister of J&K requests for help of India Army during floods in Srinagar, we as soldiers save same set of people of Srinagar who use to throw stones at our vehicles and soldiers.

Hence, if you are asked your views on a decision/policy by any Indian Govt. (at the Centre or at the State), you will honour their decision because it is the will of the people. People of India choose their Govt.

Though you have not asked me, but I wish to include this also in my answer that if army men after their retirement started to join politics, politics of our country will change for good.

  • Politicians will be respected by the people of our country.
  • Since army men are known for their discipline. We will see same in our politics. There will be no uproar in parliament on irrelevant issues. People of our country will start to watch debates in parliament.
  • There will be less corruption in our country.
  • Most of parliamentarians will have no criminal charges.
  • If you have good skills and you end up right, you might become another General VK Singh (rescuing thousands of Indians in operation “Raahat” from Yemen and in operation “Sankat Mochan” from South Sudan).
  • Also, you might end up being the Chief-Minister of Punjab, like Captain Amrinder Singh.
